Kocaeli Fair
Kocaeli, industry capital of Turkey, is the owner of trade tradition and culture in the area of fair organization with “Kocaeli Fair” since "Kocaeli Fair.” In Kocaeli which hosts one thousand 764 large industrial organizations, fair area with a size of 400 thousand meter square established to display existing industry became the most important place of touring, resting and entertainment for the public in 80’s. Kocaeli fair has gone into the process of turning into a complex in time with the responsibility of answering the city's social, cultural and commercial needs.
With the social responsibility consciousness, Kocaeli Fair with landscaping and space organizing work, and work sensitive to environment, has given its fruit and the city people became the owners of a green area where they can breathe fresh air. When the construction of fair area and the Projects surrounding it are completed, Basic services that will bring dynamism to izmit’s economical life, together with a civilized environment will be presented in Kocaeli Fair year around. Shopping centers, international fairs, bird heaven and facilities that will answer cultural and social needs are the first steps of Kocaeli fair on the road to becoming a fully equipped fair.